
Hinterlands is a project led by Peak and The Canal & River Trust (C&RT), supported by Arts Council Wales, inviting artists and communities to explore the Monmouthshire & Brecon canal as a space for creativity, biodiversity & wellbeing.

Performance Butty Summer School is part of the Hinterlands Project that involved young people collaborating with artist along the Monmouthshire and Brecon Canal.


During an intensive week of creative experimentation and collaboration the Performance Butting was moored at various points along the canal at a day at time. The tow-path became the site for impromptu performances as well as sculpture and creative writing workshops. Other artists included in this project were Stefhan Caddick, Sam Hasler and Lara Ward. 

​With sound artist Teddy Hunter the participants made sound scores, gathering field recordings using hydrophones strapped to the prow of the boat, and then experimented with sound manipulation with Ableton live.

Performance Butty is an alternative and free, floating art school responding to the Monmouthshire & Brecon canal through performance, sound and text. Led by local young people (aged 16-25 years) and artist Stefhan Caddick, with invited collaborators, a customized canal boat is transformed into a mobile space for live events, readings and music, activating sites along the towpath as the group journeys from Brecon to Pontymoile over the course of a week in Summer 2020.

